Tommy Foster
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

My Certifications

Masters in Medical Sciences

The Master's in Medical Sciences degree at TCOM is an advanced educational program designed for individuals aiming to deepen their understanding of medical science. This degree provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers key areas of medicine, including anatomy, physiology, immunology, pathology, genetics, pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular cell biology, epidemiology, and microbiology. 

Bachelor in Science in Biological Sciences

4 year undergraduate bachelor degree in biology at Dallas Baptist University with a focus in pre medicine

ISSA Elite Trainer

The ISSA Elite Trainer credential is awarded to accomplished ISSA Certified Trainers who have proven their competence in personal training and developed expertise in two additional areas of specialization. With scientific backing and practical application in the areas clients need help with the most, this credential proves that extensive education equals results.

ISSA Certified Elite Trainer

ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer

It's no secret - fitness training has been proven to prevent disease, strengthen your health and improve your confidence and outlook on life. As a certified fitness trainer, I'm deeply trained in everything from muscle mechanics to flexibility and cardiovascular dynamics. So if you want to live a stronger and more confident life, I've got the training and the expertise to help you every step of the way.

ISSA Specialist in Strength & Conditioning

Until recently, most people believed that power athletes are born and not made. That has changed. Modern training techniques can make anybody faster, stronger, and more powerful. Athletes at all levels - from grade school to the NFL - can sharpen their competitive edge with the help of an expert trainer. As a certified specialist in this area, I can help you expand your body's capacity for challenging athletic feats while remaining strong and free from injury.

ISSA Nutritionist

A certified ISSA nutritionist is a professional who has undergone specialized training in the field of nutrition. A certified ISSA nutritionist plays a vital role in promoting health and fitness through proper nutrition. Their expertise can help individuals achieve their goals, whether it's losing weight, improving athletic performance, or managing chronic conditions. By working with a nutritionist, you can gain valuable knowledge and guidance to make informed dietary choices that will benefit your overall well-being.

ISSA Corrective Exercise Specialist

Whether you sit for long periods of time, are a weekend warrior, or fall somewhere in-between, it is quite likely that you may have a movement deficiency that is causing suboptimal physical performance and increased physical pain. As a specialist certified in corrective exercise, I can perform movement assessments, make referrals to medical professionals when necessary, and incorporate appropriate strategies into your training program to help you correct movement dysfunctions and muscle imbalances. Ultimately, this will lead to improved physical performance and reduced physical pain.

ISSA T3 HIIT Training Specialist

Specialized certification in high intensity interval training with athletes of all levels and experience